Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

ReadyBoost increase your computer memory

When your computer runs slow on the RAM for the applications that you run the course will make you really annoyed the computer will automatically get the memory from the hard drive of course it does not work optimally to improve overall performance. This way also I've ever discussed here by using the Virtual memory stick but this is more simple ways you can use one of the ways that I write this.

To overcome this you can try the following trick for users of Windows 7 by using ReadyBoost is a feature in Windows that uses flash memory from a USB flash drive that will help when you walk past the computer RAM.

The way you plug the USB flash drive, after you installed the USB then go to My Computer in Explorer window then right click on the USB Flash Drive

Note: if there is a file on your USB Autorun then ReadyBoost should be the main menjadipilihan

Right click on your USB flash drive then select Properties Properties window will appear in the window menu select the ReadyBoost tab

Optimized Using readyboost ReadyBoost to improve computer memory andakemudian select the Use this device and please set the space to reserve the space you want to use USB Recommends notice on your USB space and click OK.

Note to use this way to make sure your USB possess a minimum capacity of 1 GB, for best results if you use 2 GB of RAM on your computer can use a USB flash drive 2 times the RAM on your computer to get better results.

download Readyboost :

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