Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

The Negative Effects of Watching Porn

Negative Effects of Watching Porn
Porn is not always bad because it useful for couples who experience sexual problems. However, too often "enjoyed" a porn movie can be bad for your health.

Here are some of the negative impact because too often watched porn for the health that I got from the various sources.

1. blindness
The latest research shows that watching porn could paralyzing parts of the brain processing of visual stimulation. Because in normal conditions, watch movies or other visual work will pump more blood into the primary visual cortex. A uroneurolog, Gert Holstege said, the brain is more focused on sexual drive than the visual process during the film.

"You have to realize the brain wants to leave as much as energy. So, when some parts of the brain does not need the higher functionality, this section will be off, "he said.

2. Unhealthy sexual behavior
The effects of pornography of the brain is also called "toxic" as well as cocaine. A psychologist stated that prolonged exposure to pornography stimulates a preference for depictions of group sex, sadomasochistic practices, and sexual contact with animals.

3. addiction
Pornography also trigger an addiction. Many people diagnose themselves as addicted to porn after reading popular books about pornography.

Those are some negative effects from the watching porn for the body. You can watch a porn movie, but do not get excessive. Because the effect would be very harmful to your body.

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