Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

5 Problems Due to Sleep Deprivation

sleep deprivation
Black circles on the eyes, groggy, hoarse voice, and irritability are some of the effects of sleep time is minimal. Almost most people underestimate the problems arising from sleep deprivation.

In fact, lack of sleep not only makes the flagging during the move, but also can result in dangerous illness, even death.

Here are five negative impact of sleep deprivation on health:

Breast cancer
Graduate School of Medicine researchers at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan has been studied almost 24,000 women aged 40-79 years.

Researchers found that women who slept less than six hours a night have an increased risk of breast cancer 62 percent higher, while those who slept less than nine hours a night have a 28 percent lower risk.

Cardiovascular disease
A 2010 study published in the journal Sleep,
Researchers found participants who slept less than seven hours a night have an increased risk of heart attack. In fact, for women aged under 60 years old and slept five hours or less a night had twice the risk of heart attack.

Researchers from West Virginia University School of Medicine is reviewing data from 30 397 people who participated in the National Health Interview Study in 2005.

According to a study in the journal Diabetes in 2011, the University of Chicago and Northwestern University found that people with type 2 diabetes who sleep less at night have elevated levels of glucose nine percent higher. In fact, insulin levels rose to 30 percent higher, and insulin resistance rates 43 percent higher.

Diabetic patients with insomnia even worse condition, glucose levels can be 23 percent higher, rate 48 percent higher insulin and insulin resistance rates 82 percent higher than diabetics who do not have insomnia.

Colon cancer
A study published in 1240 people in 2011, researchers from Case Western University found people who sleep less than six hours a night have a 47 percent greater risk of colorectal polyps, which can become cancerous, than people who have at least seven hours of sleep.

A study conducted for 10 years at around 16,000 people by researchers at the University of Copenhagen link between lack of sleep and the risk of death. Apparently the men who reported having poor sleep habits, especially those aged under 45 years old, has double the risk of death than men who sleep well.

While men who have trouble sleepingmore than three times a night have an increased risk of suicide five times more than men who sleep undisturbed.

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