Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Best Skin care Procedures to Treat Oily Skin

The times that you wish you hadn't outshined competition was when your oily skin did all the shining for you. Regardless of age, oily skin is a fact some people have to live with. It usually is brought about by heredity or overactive hormones. Dermatologists say that hormone production stimulates oil production that usually seeps on to the skin. Before you make the mistake of washing all the oil off your skin, read on to find out about the four best skincare products and procedures to treat oily types.


A best skincare practice starts with proper cleansing. If you find all the oil on your face all too yucky, there's no need to be too harsh on your face. The best skincare products aren't always the most potent. Dermatologists say that harsh cleansing only stimulates the body to produce more oil. When irritated, particularly oily skin, it acts up and becomes even more oily.


Next to cleansing, toning is the second best skincare practice that will help your skin get a healthy glow. Toners do the task of closing pores. For oily skin, smaller pores help control the flow of oil. When the weather is humid or hot, the pores open up to breathe and this usually causes more oil to come out of the skin. So keep your face cool or use a cooled toner that will control the oiliness of your face.


Step one was to cleanse. Step two, tone. Step three in the tips for best skincare practice is to moisturize. Oil and moisture are two very different things. If you're uncomfortable with how moisturizers feel on oily skin, then sacrificing a little comfort is a small price to pay. In fact,oily skin has a slight advantage over other types because it locks in more moisture. The more you moisturize, the more it tightens and the younger you look.


If your oily skin causes breakouts and form acne, don't run to anti-acne quick fixes. These skincare products dry the skin and don't stop oil from coming out. Dermatologists recommend a deep cleaning exfoliant once a week for a nice thorough cleansing and for getting rid of dead skin. So whether your skin is oily or not, the best skincare products don't have to be fancy. What counts is that they suit your skin type.

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