Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Adding Password on Shared Folder Document

For those of us who frequently interact with computer networks, may be often heard and used the names sharing folders in Windows. If using Windows XP to share folders or files, by default operating system (OS) will not provide a password when you access it via another computer. This becomes a little dangerous when you want to share important documents that actually only be known by some person of interest only.
To overcome these problems, Windows has provided operating system (OS) itself which gives flexibility to the administrator to manage the network, including providing security on any folder in windows server that is shared. However, it is also not the best solution if only for the purposes of a temporary or immediate need.

To provide a password in Windows XP folder sharing, follow these steps:

  1.     Login as Administrator Windows XP
  2.     Click Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts
  3.     Click the Guest account and make sure the Guest user becomes active (On)
  4.     Close the User Accounts window
  5.     Open Command Prompt by clicking Start -> Run, type CMD and then press the Enter key
  6.     At the Command Prompt, type net user guest password and press the Enter key
  7.     Go back and give the user account password on the user guest
  8.     Enter the password that you want and then restart the computer
  9.     Once finished restart the computer, try sharing a folder on the computer before
  10.     Open the folder that was shared by another computer. If no errors, then when we access it from another computer, the system will prompt to enter a password to access the folder

It's finished, we are sharing a folder that is protected with a password. Users who do not know the password we set earlier will not be able to read files or folders that you have previously sharing.

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