Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

How to improve Blackberry performance

Blackberry performance for some quarters have become indispensable in life. For businessmen, they take advantage of this smartphone to support the business as to edit the document, to relate to clients. But like computers, are increasingly being used, the longer the performance / performance of blackberries will decrease.

Blackberry performance degradation can be caused by depletion of memory space in RAM atauoun in Storage. To improve the performance of your Blackberry again, this blog writing tips - How to Increase Capabilities Blackberry, along with the things that affect the performance of the Blackberry.

Here are Tips - How to Increase Blackberry performance:

Remove Applications not Used

Sometimes Blackberry users often download / install the application from AppWorld but rarely used. Often unused applications that are not in the uninstall. Well here's the applications that eat up memory space allocated for the application, and will affect the performance of the Blackberry. Therefore you should be more selective in the application install and remove applications that are rarely used alone to give a more spacious place in the memory space. This could improve the performance of your Blackberry with a significant,

Remove from the Past Appointment Calendar

Blackberry's calendar feature to keep track of Appointment. Despite consuming less memory, but if you frequently use and are not removed, then the longer it will certainly also affect the performance of your Blackberry. The solution, remove all old unused Appointment. Or setting the calendar feature to remove Appointment after 15 days. The trick, click Options-> General Options, then select keep appointmen and set it to 15 days. Your appointment will then be automatically deleted after 15 days.

Delete Old Messages

Just like the Appointment, this message will also affect the performance of blackberries if accumulate so much. The solution is to delete old messages or unused. Or setting of message storage time to 15 days. Menu-> Options-> General Options-> change Day to keep messages to 15 days

Congenital Clear Video Samples

Usually the sample videos are always included in the Blackberry to test the video player. Because the quality is good, this video course takes no small amount of memory. You better delete this sample video course to deliver more relief memory space

Clear cache and cookies from the Browser

This action will greatly affect the speed of your browser if your browser slows perceived innate blackberries. Menu-> Options-> Cache Operations and select clear. Deleting browser history also includes how to improve the performance of blackberries.

Clean the memory of which No Need to Use

When an application is used, then the application will store data temporarily in RAM. But sometimes some applications do not release it even though the application was not used. So to improve the performance of the Blackberry, you must delete them manually. Settings-> Options-> Security Options-> Advanced security options-> Memory Cleaning and then press the Clean Now.

Clear the Event Log

You can also delete the event log for performance meningkaykan Performance Blackberri / BB you. Do I press alt-LGLG. Press menu and select Clear Log.

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