A Few Glasses Of Wine, A Few Less Wrinkles
What is Wine ?
Wine can be made from grapes, fruits, berries etc.Most wine, though, is made from grapes. And no matter what the wine is made from, there must be fermentation, that is, that sugar be transformed into alcohol. If the amount of alcohol is relatively low, the result is wine. If it is high, the result is a "distilled liquor," something like gin or vodka .
Wine Health Benefits :-
What's in Red Wine that are good for heart?
Red wine is a particularly rich source of antioxidants flavonoid phenolics, so many studies to uncover a cause for red wine's effects have focused on its phenolic constituents, particularly resveratrol and the flavonoids. Resveratrol, found in grape skins and seeds, increases HDL cholesterol and prevent blood clotting. Flavonoids, on the other hand, exhibit antioxidant properties helping prevent blood clots and plaques formation in arteries.
Is Wine Good for Your Health ?
Not only is the appreciation of wine pleasurable, but studies show that drinking wine in moderation is good for your health. Scientists looking for dietary influences on longevity noticed that the French live longer than citizens of other European countries, despite eating a diet notoriously high in fat. Their research of this so-called "French paradox" indicated that the moderate consumption of wine was closely correlated with longer life expectancy.
Apparently, compounds found in the skin and seeds of grapes called polyphenols are found in wine and act as antioxidants - substances that help to inhibit the development of certain types of cancers and to reduce the incidence of heart disease. Red wine contains more polyphenols than white wine ( because the grape juice used to make red wine stays in contact with the grape skins and seeds longer during the winemaking process), but both red and white wines have been shown to have health benefits.
Subsequent research on the health of other populations has confirmed that moderate wine drinkers have half the risk of dying from heart disease than those who never drink wine. How is this possible? Researchers believe that some of wine's positive health effects are achieved by reducing the level of lipids in the bloodstream, lowering total cholesterol, and increasing HDL ( so- called " good Cholesterol ).
The presence of a compound called resveratrol in wine may also help to fight certain types of cancers. An addition some researchers believe that the relaxing properties of the wine also help wine drinkers reduce the likelihood of developing stress- related illnesses. Other studies indicated that drinking wine in moderation may also reduce the chances of getting stomach ulcers by reducing the amount of ulcer causing bacteria.
Not enough to convince you that drinking wine can be good for your health? How about this: wine also has also been studied in relation to stroke prevention. The alcohol in the wine, it seems, breaks up blood clots. By increasing the level of HDL ("good" cholesterol) in the bloodstream, wine helps keep arteries unclogged. The bottom line: scientific research shows that people who drink one to three glasses of wine per day are less likely to contract certain serious diseases than those who do not drink wine, and those who drink heavily.
A small percentage of people have allergic reactions to natural substances called sulfites that are found in wine, and tannins in red wine can cause migraine headaches in some sensitive individuals.
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