Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Health Care Tips - Homeopathic Remedies For Headaches Relief

National Headache Awareness Week

You have a headache, instead of reaching for Tylenol or Ibuprofen try a homeopathic remedy.Homeopathic remedies increase the vital force of the body so that it can heal itself, by dealing with the cause of the headache, usually by identifying an imbalance in our mental / emotional state.

Taking a pain reliever for a headache, while effective in relieving the symptoms of the headache, in reality cause suppression of the symptoms and do not address the root cause at all. The imbalance will continue to manifest as a headache or other physical symptom.

Acture Headaches :-

Belladonna :- Sudden, intense, violent onset. Sinus headaches,migraines, sun headaches, after injury, from getting the head chilled. With nosebleeds. Throbbing, stabbing pains. Restless with flushed face and bloodshot eyes. Violent, rageful, or very fearful, wants to escape.Delirious with pain.Worse from motion, light or noise.

Better: lying in the dark.

Bryonia :- Headache in the morning on first movement. Headache from stress, constipation, anger, coffee. Bursting or stitching pain, pressing out,crushing weight on the side and front of head. Irritable and worried about business.Thirsty with dry mouth, hot head. Worse: slightest motion of eyes or head, stooping, touch.

Better: pressure, stillness, closing eyes, heat to the head, fresh air.

Gelsemium :- Headache begins with blurring vision, dizziness,light-headed, hot face and chills. Dull, heavy in the occiput, spreads forward, or tight band around head. Physical and mental lethargy, dullness, weakness, confusion, trembling.

Worse: damp, cold, sun, worrying, lying, motion.

Iris Versicolor :- Headache begins during day of rest after stress or weekend. Dim vision. Headache mainly on right side, in temple or forehead. Constriction, like a band. Nausea with acidic vomiting, saliva or diarrhea. Headache from sweets. Refined person. Gloomy and anxious about on coming headache.

Worse: lying, rest, evening, Sundays, exertion.

Better: gentle motion.

Nux Vomica :- Headache from digestive upsets, alcohol, drugs, anger, sleep loss, stress. Head feels expanded with dull pressure. Faint, light-headed. Constipated. Angry, drive, critical, oversensitive. Tension, spasm, stress,Chilly.

Worse: cold, motion, touch, noise, light. Better: warm, wrapping up.

Chronic Headaches :-

Argentum Nitricum :- Headache from over study, eyestrain, sugar, exertion, stomach upsets. Headache one-sided or frontal. Band or vice-like with digging, stabbing pain. Head feels heavy and expanded, hollow. Dizziness, dullness. Belching. Trembling. Fears of failure, crowds, heights, anticipation. Impulsive, obsessive. Worse: warmth, on waking, mental work. Better: hard pressure, open air.

Cocclus :- Headache from loss of sleep, mental or emotional strain, injury, while traveling. Occipital headache with weak muscles, heavy head, as if in a daze. Vomiting, trembling, numbness. Heads feels empty, separate from body. Feelings of guilt, worry for others. Upset by other’s rudeness.Talkative.

Worse: talking, motion, noise, light, during menses. Better: warmth.

Lachesis :- Headache begins in morning. Dim vision. Headache from sun, alcohol, colds, menopause, PMS. Pulsating, stabbing, pressing pain. One sided, left side. Heat on top of head. Heat and flushing, palpitations. Hormonal imbalance. Sensitive scalp. Talkative, vivacious, witty, but also suspicious, guilt-ridden, angry.

Worse: after sleep, touch, sun. Better: flow of mucus or menses, lying.

Natmur :- headache begins with zig-zag lights and tingling. Headache from sun, warmth, sinus, emotions. Headache forehead or one sided. Hammering, throbbing, bursting, jerking pain.Dry mouth and thirst. Nausea and watery vomiting. Faint and pale. Sad, wants solitude and adverse to sympathy. Emotions held inside.

Worse: heat, motion, day, suppressed grief. Better: fresh air.

Homeopathy comes from the Greek words "homios" meaning similar and "pathos" meaning suffering. Similar Suffering. Homeopathic medicine is based on "the Law of Similars" or "like cures like". This means that the same substance that produces disease symptoms in a healthy person when given in large doses, can also cure a sick person with similar symptoms when given in very diluted doses. Like cures like.

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