Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Adobe Unveils Photoshop Touch Application for Android Platform

The development of devices that use a tablet gadget Android platforms on the market increasingly crowded with a variety of brands and also different screen sizes. Apparently, it is utilized as a promising opportunity for Adobe to bring the image processing software of the most favorite, Adobe Photoshop, the Android-based tablet devices. As to whether the ability of an application called Photoshop Touch?
Overall, the application of Photoshop Touch is enriched with a variety of excellent feature for image processing. Some useful tools are available, ideal for users who are still new to Photoshop as well as professionals who are accustomed to using this software. One thing to note, the maximum image file that can be processed by applications, measuring 1600 x 1600 pixels.In addition, the application also provides some guidelines that have been integrated in it which at times can be used in various processes. You can also share the results of the edited pictures to friends and family through social networking site Facebook. One feature that is interesting is that you can see the comments on the pictures you upload to Facebook via Photoshop Touch applications.To the source of the photos, in addition to using a camera mounted on a tablet device, you can get it through Photoshop Touch apps using Google Images and features of Adobe Creative Cloud, which is already integrated in the application. Adobe Creative Cloud feature allows you to upload a picture of the result of a tablet, then you make some changes that are not owned by the software application Photoshop CS5.

Adobe Photoshop Touch, offered at a price of USD 9.99. In addition, Adobe has also prepared a series of applications to be brought to the Android platform, including Adobe Proto, Debut, Ideas, and Kuller, that each of these applications will be offered at a price of USD 9.99 when it launches.Please refer to the following video tutorial on Photoshop Touch applications processing techniques on the tablet which was hosted by Russell Brown

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