Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Trojan horse SpyEye : virus stealing money on online bank account

Circulated a new version of the software 'trojan horse' that can steal your money. Creepy, not only that, the virus is able to make a convincing fake bank statements.The new version of Trojan horse SpyEye this could be a nightmare for you. When visiting an online bank, there would be no trail of transactions associated cyber criminals are using your account and empty the bank account.Even worse, your balance will be adjusted to appear as if nothing happened. The attack on a Windows PC is detected in the United States (U.S.) and Britain. Software that is stealing bank passwords to access this account waiting to enter the same banking details before the 'adjust' what you see.The idea of ​​this attack is to give thieves more time to use your debit card details on a fraudulent transaction without realizing it. The first known case of this attack is, the bank refused to give money or a written statement indicating cyber criminals have been draining money from your account.The new version of this SpyEye target banks in the U.S. and the UK. Trusteer security company detected the virus, said, "When the victim returned to visit their online banking site, malware is hiding the fraudulent transactions that occur and change the total balance artificially."As a result, customers who are deceived do not know his account had been 'taken over' as well as fraudulent transactions that occur, he added. Software which is a common variant of cyber attacks are made in such a way that you like do not realize this crime occurred."SpyEye is a 'child' Zeus crimeware that takes the data forming the web in the browser," said Naked Security blog, which is part of web security experts Sophos. This year, just before the last holiday season, a new version SpyEye Trusteer find this in the U.S. and Britain, he said."This new Trojan can not intercept or divert email messages but conceal fraudulent transactions, even after the user out of the banking site and then log back into their account," he continued.Through sophisticated attacks like this SpyEye, there are some signs that indicate a wrong thing is happening. There is a defense that will update itself manually if needed.You should also make sure the option 'anti-phishing' in state 'on' in Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer that will examine the 'black list' of sites and prevent the browser is directed to a version of 'false' which gives your bank statement.

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