Kamis, 17 November 2011

Wi-Fi often disconnected suddenly

Network connection using Wi-F often disconnected suddenly for no apparent reason. This occasionally happens in Centrino notebooks are already equipped with Wi-Fi connection. Usually this is because the power saving mode. Centrino notebooks by default to make this function enabled in order to save battery consumption. The easiest way is to use the Intel PROSet application (if available).

Or through the properties in WI-Fi ethernet device, the Network Connections, then select "Configure". On the tab "Adcanced", there are settings to optimize power consumption. Ad Hoc Transmit Power, influence the range. Meanwhile, Power Management, will adjust to the condition of the battery and notebook idle time. And will automatically lower the power consumption of the battery.

It is, as a possible cause Wi-Fi connection is lost. So there are two alternatives that can be done.

  • Setting the maximum position for both of these functions. Especially if you're not worried about the remaining battery capacity. Because the available shortcut keys to instantly turn off the Wi-Fi in most Centrino notebooks.
  • Customize the style of your notebook usage. Learn the idle time the use of notebooks. And tried in accordance with the habits of everyday use. Surely you do not want your Wi-Fi connection suddenly disconnected due to idle time five minutes had elapsed.

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