The growth of Android-based phone market share continues to rise. On the other hand, performance is increasingly eroding the power of Android the iPhone and BlackBerry.
Android market share jumped 42% in the United States within the period of three months. Now, the Google OS that has mastered 17% of smartphone market share in the land of Uncle Sam, from the previous 'only' earned 15.1%.
While the weight of two competitors - BlackBerry and the iPhone - despite still being on top of the league is slowly but steadily declining market share. According to ComScore, the BlackBerry market share is now 39.3%, having previously had reached the figure of 41.1%.
Larger decline in the Apple device which gained 2.7% shrink. Even so, they remain in second position with 23.8% market share.
As for Windows Mobile had to settle for fourth position with 11.8% of the power. Meanwhile, HP's new webOS - Palm - still survive on 4.9 percent rate.
The researcher ComScore did not elaborate further on the figures but estimated the count was related to the launch of Motorola and Samsung Galaxy Droid X S are based on Android.
It is estimated, the launch of the iPhone 4 has not been able to stem the onslaught of HTC, Motorola and Samsung who are both carrying Amdroid.
In the general category of mobile phones, RIM had to settle for fourth with the percentage of 9%. Meanwhile, South Korean vendors, Samsung, became pemuncak with 23.1%. Underneath there is LG and Motorola followed. While Nokia getting dimmer by the percentage of 7.8%.
U.S. smartphone market share for the period April 2010 and July 2010:
1. RIM (41.1% to 39.3%)
2. Apple (25.1% to 23.8%)
3. Google (12.0% to 17.0%)
4. Microsoft (14.0% to 11.8%)
5. Palm (fixed 4.9%)
General mobile phone market share in the U.S. for the period April 2010 and July 2010:
1. Samsung (22.1% to 23.1%)
2. LG (21.8% to 21.2%)
3. Motorola (21.6% to 19.8%)
4. RIM (8.4% to 9.0%)
5. Nokia (8.1% to 7.85%)
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